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Ófeigur Gullsmiðja bíður eingöngu uppá hágæða skartgripi hannaða og framleidda af fagmönnum
22 products
22 products
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Trollbeads - Iceland Sky - 3 fyrir 2
Trollbeads - Iceland Sky - 3 fyrir 2
Tilboð á Trollbeads kúlum,Mánaskyn + Vetrarbrautin + Leiðarstjarnan. Þú borgar fyrir tvær kúlur en færð þrjá.
Uppgötvaðu hina himnesku fegurð Trollbeads Iceland Sky með töfrandi samsetningu af Mánaskyni, Vetrarbrautinni og Leiðarstjörnunni. Nýttu þér sérstakt tilboð okkar - þú kaupir 3 kúlur en greiða aðeins fyrir 2. Upplifðu töfrandi aðdráttarafl þessara vönduðu perlna frá Trollbeads.
Discover the ethereal beauty of Trollbeads Iceland Sky with the enchanting combination of Moonlight, Milky Way, and Guiding Star. Take advantage of our special offer - buy 3 and only pay for 2. Embrace the magical allure of these premium beads.
Trollbeads is the original bead-on-bracelet brand. Since 1976.
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections with Power Bangle
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections with Power Bangle
POWER BANGLE & A LIMITED EDITION with Icelandic Ocean Reflections Bead.
Elegance meets emotional balance in our new Power Bangle in sterling silver adorned with facetted amethysts at both ends. Amethyst is believed to promote emotional balance, spiritual clarity, and inner harmony. Together with the Power Bangle, the limited edition Amethyst Serenity Bangle, featuring the Power Bangle, an artisan, handmade Icelandic Ocean Reflections glass bead, and 2 Spacers, is also released. The bangles come in 5 sizes.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Icelandi Ocean Reflections with Star Bangle
Trollbeads - Icelandi Ocean Reflections with Star Bangle
Discover the beautiful world of Trollbeads with the Icelandic Ocean Reflections Glass Bead on a stunning Star Bangle. A perfect gift for any occasion, available in sizes XXS to L. XS and S to fit most wrists. Each handmade glass bead is crafted from red-hot glass in an open flame, resulting in unique variations in size, coloration, and pattern. With its unmistakably elegant design, this bracelet is a must-have for any jewelry collection.
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Star Bangle
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Star Bangle
Trollbeads Star Bangle with Northern Light Magic Bead.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads armband með norðurljósakúlu
Trollbeads armband með norðurljósakúlu
Trollbeads silfurarmband með norðurljósakúlu og blómalási.
Armband og lás sterling silfur 925.
Þetta vandaða armband er á sérstöku kynningar tilboði frá Trollbeads, allmennt verð er 21.900 en nú á 14.500.
Trollbeads var stofnað árið 1976 í Danmörku af Lise Aagaard sem vildi skapa sérstakar perlur sem bæru með sér tilfinningar og minningar.
Trollbeads er vinsælt víða um heim og er þekkt sem merki fyrir fallegt handverk og einstaka hönnun, sem gefur einstöku skarti sínu sínu ljóma. Trollbeads helduri fast í hefðir handverksins.
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Power Bangle
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Power Bangle
POWER BANGLE & A LIMITED EDITION with Nordic Light Magic Bead.
Elegance meets emotional balance in our new Power Bangle in sterling silver adorned with facetted amethysts at both ends. Amethyst is believed to promote emotional balance, spiritual clarity, and inner harmony. Together with the Power Bangle, the limited edition Amethyst Serenity Bangle, featuring the Power Bangle, an artisan, handmade Northern Light Magic glass bead, and 2 Spacers, is also released. The bangles come in 5 sizes.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Iceland Ocean Reflections
Trollbeads - Iceland Ocean Reflections
Trollbeads Foxtail Bracelet with a Clasp and Iceland Ocean Reflection Bead.
This bracelet in oxidised sterling silver has excelled with Trollbeads signature foxtail chain. A Foxtail chain consists of a lot of ends that are not soldered together, which therefore makes the chain very flexible.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Blue goldstone has the power to create new ideas and is a very good stone, when you want to stop the influence from the past.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured. The price is for the bead only.
Bára - Silfurarmband
250.000 kr
Unit price perBára - Silfurarmband
250.000 kr
Unit price perBára handsmíðað silfurarmband, 925 sterling.
Hönnun og smíði Bolli Ófeigsson.
Kolkrabbi - Silfurarmband
250.000 kr
Unit price perKolkrabbi - Silfurarmband
250.000 kr
Unit price perKolkrabbi - handsmíðað silfurarmband, ath. aðeins eitt eintak.
Hönnun og smíði Bolli Ófeigsson gullsmíðameistari
Octopus - a unique, handmade silver bracelet.
Designed and crafted in Iceland by Bolli Ófeigsson, a master gold and silversmith.
Limited production, only one bracelet available.
Fluga - Silfurarmband
380.000 kr
Unit price perFluga - Silfurarmband
380.000 kr
Unit price perFluga - Handsmíðað silfurarmband 925 Sterling, einstök hönnun og smíði.
Eitt eintak.
Hönnun og smíði Bolli Ófeigsson gull og silfursmíðameistari
Elevate your style with the exquisite Fly bracelet, meticulously crafted by the master gold and silversmith, Bolli Ófeigsson. This exclusive piece features a handmade silver (925) design, making it a true work of art. But hurry, only one bracelet is available.
GUNNAR - Víkinga Armband
65.000 kr
Unit price perGUNNAR - Víkinga Armband
65.000 kr
Unit price perGUNNAR - Víkingaarmband úr silfri, kopar og bronsi
Hönnun og smíði Bolli Ófeigsson
Crafted from a combination of silver, copper, and bronze, the GUNNAR - Viking Bracelet is a one-of-a-kind piece made by master artisan, Bolli Ófeigsson. Due to the artisanal process, each bracelet may vary slightly from the image shown.
GUNNAR II - Víkinga Armband
65.000 kr
Unit price perGUNNAR II - Víkinga Armband
65.000 kr
Unit price perGUNNAR II - Víkinga armband úr silfri, kopar og bronsi. Hönnun og smíði Bolli Ófeigsson
Athugið að armböndin eru handsmíðuð og því geta þau verið örlítið frábrugðin þeim sem sýnd eru á myndinni.
Constructed with a blend of silver, copper, and bronze, the GUNNAR II - Viking Bracelet is a unique creation by the skilled artisan, Bolli Ófeigsson. Due to the handcrafted nature of the bracelets, there may be slight variations from the picture.
Trollbeads - Silver Bracelet with Lava
From 21.500 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Silver Bracelet with Lava
From 21.500 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads Silver Bracelet with Icelandic Lava Bead.
Lava Beads is Icelandic lava stone with silver core.
Made to fit Trollbeads and Pandora bracelets / neckless.
Note, each lava bead is unique, similar to the one on the photo.
Made in Iceland by Bolli Ófeigsson master gold/silversmith.
Trollbeads Sterling Silver Bracelet with Plain Lock. Made in Denmark.
Trollbeads bangle með 2 stoppurum
22.000 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads bangle með 2 stoppurum
22.000 kr
Unit price perTrollbeasd - armband (bangle) með tveimur stoppurum.
Bættu við þinni uppáhalds kúlu á armbandið.
Trollbeads - Bangle with 2 spacers
Add your favorite bead to the Trollbeads bangle.
Designer: Trollbeads Design Group
Product number: Sterling Silver Bangle with 2 x Silver Spacers
Weight: 14.53 g
Primary Material: Sterling Silver
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bangle and two classic silver spacers. Move the spacers to place balls in between.
Trollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Flower Lock
16.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Flower Lock
16.900 kr
Unit price perThis bracelet in oxidised sterling silver has excelled with Trollbeads signature foxtail chain. A Foxtail chain consists of a lot of ends that are not soldered together, which therefore makes the chain very flexible.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet, now you can add on your favourite beads to make it personal to you.
Trollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Lava & Northern Lights
From 29.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Lava & Northern Lights
From 29.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads bracelet with northern lights bead, bead, lava bead, silver bead small swarm of butterflies and sterling silver clasp there is a butterfly on each side.
This bracelet in oxidised sterling silver has excelled with Trollbeads signature foxtail chain. A Foxtail chain consists of a lot of ends that are not soldered together, which therefore makes the chain very flexible.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Trollbeads - Leiðarstjarna
6.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Leiðarstjarna
6.900 kr
Unit price perUppgötvaðu aðdráttarafl Leiðarstjörnu Trollbeads, sem er gerð úr fyrsta flokks Silfri 925.
Láttu þessa kúlu vera áttavita þinn og halda fast í forgangsröðun þína. Ekki missa af tækifærinu til að nota hana sem skraut á Fantasy hálsmenið þitt - fullkomin samsetning.
Og hér er ráð frá Trollbeads - notaðu Leiðarstjörnuna til að sameina tvö armbönd fyrir glæsilegt útlit.
Sérsniðu armböndin þín með uppáhaldskúlunum þínum og finndu innblástur í myndunum sem fylgja. Verðið er aðeins fyrir Leiðarstjörnuna.
Discover the allure of Trollbeads' Guiding Star, crafted with premium Silver 925.
Let this bead be your compass in staying true to your priorities. Don't miss the chance to style it as a pendant on your Fantasy Necklace - a perfect pairing.
And here's a tip from Trollbeads - use the Guiding Star to unite two bracelets for an exquisite appeal.
Personalize your bracelets with your favorite beads and find inspiration in the image provided. This price is for the bead alone.
Trollbeads - Höfrungafjöskyldukúla
6.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Höfrungafjöskyldukúla
6.900 kr
Unit price perHöfrungafjölskyldukúlan er handunnin og gerð úr hágæða sterling silfri. Hönnun hennar er innblásin af höfrungum að leik sem hoppa og synda í hafinu, sem mynda fullkominn hring.
Verðið er aðeins fyrir kúluna.
Together we are invincible.
The Dolphin Family Bead is highly detailed, and hand finished, made of the highest quality sterling. Its design is inspired by playful dolphins jumping and swimming in the ocean, creating a perfect circle.
The Dolphin Family Bead is perfect as a gift to someone special that is passionate about these beautiful and playful mammals.
The price is for the bead only.
Trollbeads - Sela kúla
6.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Sela kúla
6.900 kr
Unit price perDýfðu þér í ævintýri með Trollbeads - Sela kúlu. Þetta einstaka skart inniheldur fimm yndislega sela sem njóta sólarinnar eftir skemmtilegan dag í hafinu. Skemmtileg viðbót við hvaða armband sem er, fullkomið fyrir þá sem elska hafið.
Verðið er aðeins fyrir kúluna.
Dive into whimsy with the Trollbeads - Seals Bead. This unique charm features five adorable seals, basking in the sun after a fun-filled day in the ocean. A playful addition to any bracelet, perfect for ocean lovers.
The price is for the bead only.
Trollbeads - Höfrungar að leika sér
6.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Höfrungar að leika sér
6.900 kr
Unit price perAlvöru vinir synda saman í gegnum súrt og sætt.
Trollbeads Playing Dolphins er smíðað með fágun og vandvirkni. Fallega kúlan er úr 925 sterling silfri, flókin smáatriði og gæði handverks. Þetta skraut, sem táknar vináttu og seiglu, er fullkomin viðbót við hvaða armband eða hálsmen sem er. Láttu þetta fallega og tímalausa verk fylgja þér í gegnum lífsins áskoranir.
Verðið er aðeins fyrir kúluna.
Expertly handcrafted from 925 sterling silver, the Trollbeads Playing Dolphins charm showcases intricate details and true craftsmanship. A symbol of friendship and resilience, this charm will make a meaningful addition to any bracelet or necklace. Swim through life's challenges with this beautiful and timeless piece.
Real friendship swims through thick and thin.
The price is just for the bead.
Trollbeads - Kærleikskúla
6.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Kærleikskúla
6.900 kr
Unit price perKærleikshúlan frá Trollbeads er smíðuð úr sterlingsilfri er hönnuð af danska silfursmiðnum Jytte Kløve. Hún er einnig fáanleg úr 18 karata gulli. Kúlan er hluti af Stardust línunni frá 2018. Hún er handunnin með 3.000 ára gamalli tækni. Kúlan sýnir mörg lítil hjörtu sem eru sameinuð.
Love will keep you warm.
The Sterling silver bead Blanket of Love is designed by Danish silversmith Jytte Kløve. It also comes in a 18 karat gold version. The bead is a part of the Stardust collection from 2018. It is crafted by hand by the cire perdu method. A 3,000 thousand year old technique. The bead portrays many small hearts that are connected. The price is for the bead only.
Ragnar - Víkinga Armband úr Silfir
92.000 kr
Unit price perRagnar - Víkinga Armband úr Silfir
92.000 kr
Unit price perRagnar - Víkinga armband er smíðað af Bolla Ófeigssyni úr 925 Sterling silfri. Athugið að armböndin eru handsmíðuð og því geta þau verið örlítið frábrugðin þeim sem sýnd eru á myndinni.
Crafted by Bolli Ófeigsson in Iceland, the Ragnar Silver Viking Bracelet is carefully made using 925 sterling silver and features an oxidized finish, adding a unique touch of Icelandic style to your jewelry collection. Please note that the bracelets are handmade, so they may differ slightly from those shown in the picture.
Ófeigur gullsmiðja
Sérvalið fyrir þig
Ófeigur gullsmiðja
Ófeigur Gullsmiðja er þekkt fyrir einstaka hönnun og vandaða handverk. Stofnað árið 1992, Ófeigur býður upp á fjölbreytt úrval af skartgripum úr ýmsum gæða málmun eins og t.d. úr gulli, silfri, tantalum, títaníum kopar og eðalsteinum. Skartgripir þeirra eru innblásnir af íslenskri náttúru og eru fullkomnir fyrir sérstök tilefni og daglega notkun.