
Títaníumhringur m/Demanti, 18k Gulli og Tantalum.

179.300 kr



Títaníumhringur með ræktuðum demöntum (7x0.01ct hvítur/Si-2), pólerað títaníum, fínhammrað og oxiderað tantalum, 18k gull teinar halda hringnum saman. Þessi Zeezen hringur er algjört augnakonfekt.

Discover the unmatched style and durability of Titan Ring, featuring Lab-Grown Diamonds (7x0.01ct. White TW/Si-2), 18k Yellow Gold, and Tantalum. This ring, handcrafted by Zeezen, boasts a width of 4.5 mm and a height of 2.4 mm, showcasing the finest quality and design. Join the trend and step into the world of Tantalum jewelry - a modern, unique, and enduring choice for any fashion-forward individual.

179.300 kr


The original Bead-on-Bracelet brand

Trollbeads - Frumkvöðull í kúluarmböndum - síðan 1976