
Títaníum Eyrnalokkar með Hraunkúlum

13.500 kr

Títaníum eyrnalokkar (huggie) með 8 mm hraunkúlum. Hægt er að taka af kúlunar og nota þá án þeirra, við eigum einnig aðra steina til að setja upp á. Vönduð vara frá Zeezen.

Expertly crafted by Zeezen Style & Comfort, these Titanium Click hoops feature 8mm Lava Beads that can be easily removed and worn as huggie earrings. With a height of 28mm and a width of 8mm, these lightweight earrings are both strong and comfortable, thanks to the unique properties of Titanium. Its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio makes it the perfect choice for jewelry, providing warmth and softness due to its unparalleled heat resistance.

13.500 kr


The original Bead-on-Bracelet brand

Trollbeads - Frumkvöðull í kúluarmböndum - síðan 1976