Trollbeads - Kærleikskúla úr 18k gulli
74.900 kr
Unit price perKærleikskúlan frá Trollbeads er smíðuð úr 18 k gulli. Hönnuð af danska silfursmiðnum Jytte Kløve. Kúlan er einnig fáanleg úr silfri. Kúlan er hluti af Stardust línunni frá 2018. Hún er handunnin með 3.000 ára gamalli tækni. Kúlan sýnir mörg lítil hjörtu sem eru sameinuð. Verðið er aðeins fyrir kærleikskúluna.
Experience everlasting warmth and love with the enchanting Blanket of Love bead in 18K gold. Part of the luxurious Stardust collection debuted in 2018, this design was created by renowned Danish jewelry designer Jytte Kløve. The Blanket of Love also comes in a sister design made with Sterling silver. Keep love close to your heart at all times with our elegant and timeless pieces. The price is for the bead only.
Showcasing the ultimate symbols of power, wealth, and divinity, our 18K gold beads are a perfect balance of purity and strength. Discover our vast selection of exquisite designs and create your own unique look. Properly care for your gold jewelry by washing with mild soap and rinsing with water, then drying thoroughly and polishing with a soft cloth. Remember, all Trollbeads silver jewelry can be custom ordered in gold for a truly exclusive touch.
If you are interested in this service, please contact our customer service.
74.900 kr
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The original Bead-on-Bracelet brand
Trollbeads - Frumkvöðull í kúluarmböndum - síðan 1976