Mikið úrval af skartgripum fyrir öll tilefni
Ófeigur Gullsmiðja bíður eingöngu uppá hágæða skartgripi hannaða og framleidda af fagmönnum
17 products
17 products
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Trollbeads - Refaskott - Armbandskeðja
6.800 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Refaskott - Armbandskeðja
6.800 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Refaskotts-armbandkeðja, keðjan er einkennandi fyrir Trollbeads. Keðjan er úr oxideruðu sterling silfri. Refaskottskeðjan samanstendur af mörgum hlekkjum, þeir eru ekki lóðaðir saman, sem gerir keðjuna mjög sveigjanlega. Armbandið er selt án láss.
Lengdarleiðbeiningar: Vinsamlegast athugið að stærðirnar sem hægt er að velja eru heildarlengd armbandsins, þar með talið lássins. Það þýðir að ef þú þarft armband sem er 20 cm – ættir þú að velja stærðina 20 cm. Við sendum þér þannig keðju sem er 18 cm og þegar þú bætir lásnum okkar við, sem er 2 cm, færðu rétta heildarlengd, sem er 20 cm.
Lásinn er seldur sér.
Gjafaráð: Stærðir 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm passa flestum.
Foxtail - Sterling Silver Bracelet
The oxidized Sterling silver bracelet has been masterfully handcrafted into Trollbeads' signature foxtail chain. The Foxtail chain consists of joints that are not soldered together, which makes the chain very flexible.Length guide:
The sizes below, indicated in length, includes a clasp. Therefore, if you require a 20 cm bracelet, choose 20 cm. We will send you a 18 cm chain and when you add a clasp your bracelet will measure 20 cm.
Clasp are sold separately.Gift Tip: Size 18 cm / 7.1",19 cm / 7.5", 20 cm / 7.9" fits most.
Trollbeads - Leðurarmband
5.400 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Leðurarmband
5.400 kr
Unit price perLeðurarmband frá Trollbeads með silfur hlekkjum á endunum.
Byrjaðu að safna í Trollbeads söguna þína.
Athugið: Lengdinar á leðrinu miðast við með lás. Lásinn er seldur sér.
Gjafaráð: Stærð 18, 19 og 20 cm passa flestum.
Experience a new chapter in your story with Trollbeads.
Keep in mind: Our bracelets come in various lengths, including a separate clasp.
Gift tip: consider sizes 18 cm, 19 cm, and 20 cm.
Welcome to the enchanting realm of Trollbeads. Begin your adventure with our refined bracelet, and personalize it with your favorite beads.
Trollbeads armband með norðurljósakúlu
Trollbeads armband með norðurljósakúlu
Trollbeads silfurarmband með norðurljósakúlu og blómalási.
Armband og lás sterling silfur 925.
Þetta vandaða armband er á sérstöku kynningar tilboði frá Trollbeads, allmennt verð er 21.900 en nú á 14.500.
Trollbeads var stofnað árið 1976 í Danmörku af Lise Aagaard sem vildi skapa sérstakar perlur sem bæru með sér tilfinningar og minningar.
Trollbeads er vinsælt víða um heim og er þekkt sem merki fyrir fallegt handverk og einstaka hönnun, sem gefur einstöku skarti sínu sínu ljóma. Trollbeads helduri fast í hefðir handverksins.
Trollbeads bangle með 2 stoppurum
22.000 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads bangle með 2 stoppurum
22.000 kr
Unit price perTrollbeasd - armband (bangle) með tveimur stoppurum.
Bættu við þinni uppáhalds kúlu á armbandið.
Trollbeads - Bangle with 2 spacers
Add your favorite bead to the Trollbeads bangle.
Designer: Trollbeads Design Group
Product number: Sterling Silver Bangle with 2 x Silver Spacers
Weight: 14.53 g
Primary Material: Sterling Silver
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bangle and two classic silver spacers. Move the spacers to place balls in between.
Trollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Lava & Northern Lights
From 29.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Lava & Northern Lights
From 29.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads bracelet with northern lights bead, bead, lava bead, silver bead small swarm of butterflies and sterling silver clasp there is a butterfly on each side.
This bracelet in oxidised sterling silver has excelled with Trollbeads signature foxtail chain. A Foxtail chain consists of a lot of ends that are not soldered together, which therefore makes the chain very flexible.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Trollbeads - Silver Bracelet with Lava
From 21.500 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Silver Bracelet with Lava
From 21.500 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads Silver Bracelet with Icelandic Lava Bead.
Lava Beads is Icelandic lava stone with silver core.
Made to fit Trollbeads and Pandora bracelets / neckless.
Note, each lava bead is unique, similar to the one on the photo.
Made in Iceland by Bolli Ófeigsson master gold/silversmith.
Trollbeads Sterling Silver Bracelet with Plain Lock. Made in Denmark.
Trollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Flower Lock
16.900 kr
Unit price perTrollbeads - Silver Bracelet With Flower Lock
16.900 kr
Unit price perThis bracelet in oxidised sterling silver has excelled with Trollbeads signature foxtail chain. A Foxtail chain consists of a lot of ends that are not soldered together, which therefore makes the chain very flexible.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet, now you can add on your favourite beads to make it personal to you.
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Star Bangle
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Star Bangle
Trollbeads Star Bangle with Northern Light Magic Bead.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Power Bangle
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic with Power Bangle
POWER BANGLE & A LIMITED EDITION with Nordic Light Magic Bead.
Elegance meets emotional balance in our new Power Bangle in sterling silver adorned with facetted amethysts at both ends. Amethyst is believed to promote emotional balance, spiritual clarity, and inner harmony. Together with the Power Bangle, the limited edition Amethyst Serenity Bangle, featuring the Power Bangle, an artisan, handmade Northern Light Magic glass bead, and 2 Spacers, is also released. The bangles come in 5 sizes.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic Leahter Bracelet
Trollbeads - Northern Light Magic Leahter Bracelet
Trollbeads Leather Bracelet with a Clasp and Northern Light Magic Bead.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections Leather Bracelet
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections Leather Bracelet
Welcome to the exquisite world of Trollbeads, where each piece is a unique work of art. Begin your journey with our luxurious leather bracelet adorned with a charming clasp and the stunning Icelandic Ocean Reflections bead. Available in sizes 18 to 22 cm, this bracelet is the perfect gift for anyone.
Discover the beauty of handcrafted glass beads, each one made with precision and care in a red-hot flame. Please note that due to the nature of glassmaking, each bead may vary slightly in size, color, and pattern, making yours truly one of a kind.
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections with Power Bangle
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections with Power Bangle
POWER BANGLE & A LIMITED EDITION with Icelandic Ocean Reflections Bead.
Elegance meets emotional balance in our new Power Bangle in sterling silver adorned with facetted amethysts at both ends. Amethyst is believed to promote emotional balance, spiritual clarity, and inner harmony. Together with the Power Bangle, the limited edition Amethyst Serenity Bangle, featuring the Power Bangle, an artisan, handmade Icelandic Ocean Reflections glass bead, and 2 Spacers, is also released. The bangles come in 5 sizes.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Icelandi Ocean Reflections with Star Bangle
Trollbeads - Icelandi Ocean Reflections with Star Bangle
Discover the beautiful world of Trollbeads with the Icelandic Ocean Reflections Glass Bead on a stunning Star Bangle. A perfect gift for any occasion, available in sizes XXS to L. XS and S to fit most wrists. Each handmade glass bead is crafted from red-hot glass in an open flame, resulting in unique variations in size, coloration, and pattern. With its unmistakably elegant design, this bracelet is a must-have for any jewelry collection.
Trollbeads - Iceland Sky - 3 fyrir 2
Trollbeads - Iceland Sky - 3 fyrir 2
Tilboð á Trollbeads kúlum,Mánaskyn + Vetrarbrautin + Leiðarstjarnan. Þú borgar fyrir tvær kúlur en færð þrjá.
Uppgötvaðu hina himnesku fegurð Trollbeads Iceland Sky með töfrandi samsetningu af Mánaskyni, Vetrarbrautinni og Leiðarstjörnunni. Nýttu þér sérstakt tilboð okkar - þú kaupir 3 kúlur en greiða aðeins fyrir 2. Upplifðu töfrandi aðdráttarafl þessara vönduðu perlna frá Trollbeads.
Discover the ethereal beauty of Trollbeads Iceland Sky with the enchanting combination of Moonlight, Milky Way, and Guiding Star. Take advantage of our special offer - buy 3 and only pay for 2. Embrace the magical allure of these premium beads.
Trollbeads is the original bead-on-bracelet brand. Since 1976.
Trollbeads - Iceland Ocean Reflections
Trollbeads - Iceland Ocean Reflections
Trollbeads Foxtail Bracelet with a Clasp and Iceland Ocean Reflection Bead.
This bracelet in oxidised sterling silver has excelled with Trollbeads signature foxtail chain. A Foxtail chain consists of a lot of ends that are not soldered together, which therefore makes the chain very flexible.
Gift tip: Size 18 cm/19 cm/20 cm fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Blue goldstone has the power to create new ideas and is a very good stone, when you want to stop the influence from the past.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured. The price is for the bead only.
Norðurljós - Leðurarmband
7.900 kr
Unit price perEldfjall Armband - Fínþætt - 3mm - með Hraunkúlu
11.200 kr
Unit price perEldfjall Armband - Fínþætt - 3mm - með Hraunkúlu
11.200 kr
Unit price perEldfjall - armband - fínþætt - 8 leðurstrengir - 4 litir, svartur, rauður appelsínugulur og gulur. Með hraunkúlu með títaníum kjarna.
Ath. það er hægt að þræða á þetta armband ýmsar kúlur t.d. frá Trollbeads og Pandora.
8 X 0.5mm leðurstrengir með 8.6mm títaníum segullási.
Frá Zeezen
Eldfjalla armbandið er innblásið af eldgosunum á Reykjanesskaga.
Ófeigur gullsmiðja
Sérvalið fyrir þig
Ófeigur gullsmiðja
Ófeigur Gullsmiðja er þekkt fyrir einstaka hönnun og vandaða handverk. Stofnað árið 1992, Ófeigur býður upp á fjölbreytt úrval af skartgripum úr ýmsum gæða málmun eins og t.d. úr gulli, silfri, tantalum, títaníum kopar og eðalsteinum. Skartgripir þeirra eru innblásnir af íslenskri náttúru og eru fullkomnir fyrir sérstök tilefni og daglega notkun.