Trollbeads - Power-Armband með Endurkastsjávarkúlu
Notaðu hvetjandi kraft ametista til að enduruppgötva innri styrk þinn og yfirstíga öll mörk.
Skínandi sterling silfurarmband með innfelldum ametist steini á hvorum enda armbandsins. Skreyttu úlnliðinn þinn og finndu orku ametýstsins leiða þig í gegnum áskoranir lífsins og lýsa upp veg þinn með geislandi fegurð sinni.
Þyngd: 5,7 - 7,1 g
Power armbandið er grípandi og fjölhæfur skartgripur sem hefur fangað hjörtu áhugamanna um allan heim. Armbandið þjónar sem hinn fullkomni striga fyrir persónulega tjáningu, sem gerir eigendunum kleift að skreyta það með fjölda einstakra og sérhannaðar kúla og stoppurum.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Trollbeads - Icelandic Ocean Reflections with Power Bangle
POWER BANGLE & A LIMITED EDITION with Icelandic Ocean Reflections Bead.
Elegance meets emotional balance in our new Power Bangle in sterling silver adorned with facetted amethysts at both ends. Amethyst is believed to promote emotional balance, spiritual clarity, and inner harmony. Together with the Power Bangle, the limited edition Amethyst Serenity Bangle, featuring the Power Bangle, an artisan, handmade Icelandic Ocean Reflections glass bead, and 2 Spacers, is also released. The bangles come in 5 sizes.
Gift tip: Size XS and S fits most people.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trollbeads. Start your journey with the elegant bracelet.
Please note: Glass is a fantastic material. Each glass bead is handmade from red-hot glass in the open flame and no two glass beads are ever completely alike. This goes for size, colouration and pattern. Your bead is absolutely unique and may have slight variations from the bead pictured.
Armbandið kemur í 5 stærðum XXS-L / The bangle is available in five sizes: XXS-L.
Til þess að mæla stærðina, mældu sverasta ummálið á úlliðnum þínum. Stærðin fer einnig eftir því hversu þröngt þú vilt hafa armbandið og hversu mörgum kúlum þú vilt koma armbandið.
To find the right size, measure the widest circumference of your wrist. The size also depends on how tight you want the bracelet to be and how many beads you want to put on.
20 |
14-15 / 5.5-5.9 |
XS |
24 |
16-19 / 6.0-7.5 |
S |
31 |
20-21 / 7.6-8.3 |
M |
35 |
22-24 / 8.4-9.5 |
L |
38 |
Over 25 / ABOVE 9.6 |
Fallegt saman
Skartgripasett eru tilvalin í gjöfina, gullsmiðja Ófeigs hefur sett saman margar hugmyndir af tilvöldum gjöfum, sjáðu úrvalið af skartgripum hér að neðan
The original Bead-on-Bracelet brand
Trollbeads - Frumkvöðull í kúluarmböndum - síðan 1976