Ægishjálmur - Títaníum Armband
14.500 kr
Unit price perÆgishjálmur - Títaníum Armband, með handgröfnum Ægishjálmi á báðar hliðar, önnur hliðinn mött en hin póleruð.
Ný uppfærð útgáfa, núna með Ægishjálmi á báðum hilðum.
Armband títaníum venetian keðja 2.7mm með humarlás, 5 möguleikar á lengd 16-17-18-19-20 cm.
Frá Zeezen
This updated version of the Helm of Awe Titan bracelet features an engraved symbol on both sides its polished and matt sides. The bracelet has a Venetian chain with a 2.7mm lobster lock and dimensions of W: 20.5mm and H: 14.4mm. The titanium chain can be easily adjusted to five different sizes, ranging from 16-20 cm. Created by ZeeZen, this bracelet is a stylish and versatile.
Helm of Awe is old Icelandic magic spell that comes in numerous types and versions. Ægishjálmur is powerful defence spell, both against all evil and also secure protection against aggression ruler. The name of this symbol is ægishjálmr, which when literally translated means "helm of awe" or "helm of terror". It is used in various places in the sagas, where it can have many other meanings, such as "countenance of terror" or "overbearing nature”.
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